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We stand with young voices to save the environment

Every year during the month of November, the children and youth of the terre des hommes’ International Youth Network (IYN) hold the Global Action Month (GAM) on Child Rights. On the occasion of the anniversary of the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, children and youth of the IYN worldwide take public actions to raise their demands in relation to the realization of their rights.

We stand with young voices to save environment

For years, children and young people around the world have been calling on governments to work against the climate and environmental crisis.

With the Launch of General Comment No. 26 in September 2023, the UN has set a global milestone by adding the children’s right to a healthy environment to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Children and adults can now refer to the UN position for their environmental rights.

However, at the same time, youth are coming increasingly under pressure. terre des hommes urges States to respect their child rights obligations, protecting these young people.

To fight against the climate crisis means protecting life – life of people and nature. Therefore, “standing with young voices to save the environment” will be the focus of our Global Action Month 2023.

Help to ensure the right of children to a healthy environment!

Video about the Global Action Month 2022:

Motivation video for Global Action Month 2023: 


Strenghtening Environmental Child Rights and preventing violence

The environmental crisis is a child rights crisis. Children and young people are being forced to leave their homes, missing out on school, and losing their lives. Their right to be protected from any form of violence must be guaranteed. Children and young people are speaking up demanding action from governments. From marches and protests, taking action online, tree planting, using art and more.

Children and young people’s views are important to creating a clean, safe and healthy environment. They have a right to have a say in decisions about matters affecting them, they offer unique insights into how environmental harm and climate change impacts children, and they have lots of creative ideas and solutions!

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